Today we replaced the Duck fuel filter and some of the fuel line. We also worked on the battery and applied armor-all.
- Daniel R. H. Cook
The Duck
Thanksgiving in Ft.Myers
Thanksgiving was spent with our Grandparents on Papa's side, and our aunt and uncles on Papa's side. Papa's aunt hosted us as she has for as long as any of us can remember. Papa's aunt has a great collection of high quality wood work that she has made. Anna and Ezra posed very nicely with her Thanksgiving sign.
Christmas Decorating
Today we cleaned up and decorated the house for Christmas. Following yearly tradition, Daniel wired all the extension cords and he and Joseph put up all the exterior lights.
While Joseph and Daniel were doing the lights Papa, Nehemiah, Noah, and Elijah worked on the manger scene.
A Norfolk pine given to us by Aunt Abby when we visited her on Thanksgiving was a nice almost Tropical looking touch that added some life to the manger scene this year.

Mama and Papa picked up a Christmas tree that, once placed on the circle table almost touches the peak of our living room ceiling!
First Thanksgiving(s)

I found this article by David Barton ( about Thanksgivings that have occured in America. I found it very interesting! -Joseph Cook
The tradition introduced by European Americans of Thanksgiving as a time to focus on God and His blessings dates back well over four centuries in America. For example, such thanksgivings occurred in 1541 at Palo Duro Canyon, Texas with Coronado and 1,500 of his men; 1 in 1564 at St. Augustine, Florida with French Huguenot (Protestant) colonists; 2 in 1598 at El Paso, Texas with Juan de OƱate and his expedition; 3 in 1607 at Cape Henry, Virginia with the landing of the Jamestown settlers; 4 in 1619 at Berkeley Plantation, Virginia; 5 (and many other such celebrations).
But it is primarily from the Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving celebration of 1621 that we derive the current tradition of Thanksgiving Day.
Family Fire Ends
The Family Fire, has ended after 170 hours of burning. That sets the record of over 1 week! The very last night it was burning, Daniel added wood from one side of the fireplace to the other. It was loaded! It blazed for quite a while. We had to let it die out, so that we could clean the fireplace out before Thanksgiving. Hopefully, in December, we can set a record of two weeks!
-Joseph Cook
-Joseph Cook
"The Duck" Update
Our new Trooper (aka. "The Duck") was worked on today after Papa's arrival home after training in Anniston, Alabama. In addition to washing and waxing "The Duck" we greased door hinges and started cleaning the engine up. We also cut a limb that was overhanging where we park the duck so maintenance on it will be slightly easier with less branches, leaves, etc. falling on it. Next we will be "armoralling," vacuuming, installing a new battery, completing the cleaning of the engine, and analyzing and fixing any problems we find.
As a side note, the fire is still running and has passed the 120 hour mark!
- Daniel R. H. Cook
As a side note, the fire is still running and has passed the 120 hour mark!
- Daniel R. H. Cook
Beautiful Weather and One Long Fire!
We have been having some beautifully cold weather with the temperatures getting down into the high twenties at night. We lit a fire on Sunday Around 1800hrs. (6:00 P.M.) and it is still burning now. That makes a Ninety-three hour fire! The best part is the fire is still going and if the weather reports are correct we might hit the one week mark!
And please check out the voting poll on the right. What do you think the 9th" Cooky" will be, a boy or a girl?
- Daniel R. H. Cook
And please check out the voting poll on the right. What do you think the 9th" Cooky" will be, a boy or a girl?
- Daniel R. H. Cook
Today, We bought a 1988 ISUZU Trooper. It is two years newer than the one we already have. It does not run -It is a "Fixer Upper" car- but Daniel and I will use it as a School Project. It is Scuba Yellow, and we have nicknamed it "The Duck"! It is an automatic -which is a answer to prayer, because once it gets running, it can serve as a "small car" that Anne can use to run errands. Daniel and I think we can get it fixed by the end of Spring. -Joseph
Short Ft. Myers trip
This past week God was especially watching over us. Daniel, Papa, Nehemiah and I went down to Ft. Myers. Papa had a class, and us boys were going to visit with the grandparents, cousins, and uncles. On the way their though, the Trooper (now an antique) just stopped as we were going down the exit ramp...Daniel and I pushed it out of the way. We were 100 miles away from Ft. Myers, and the Trooper wouldn't restart. Papa called AAA (our insurance company) and within the next thirty minutes, a towtruck came to pick us up. The friendly driver drove us all the way to Ft. Myers! The next day, as Nehemiah and I visited our cousin, Daniel, Pappy (our grandfather) and a neighbor "Steve", fixed the Trooper, and since then it ran fine! That was defenitely providential.
After the visit, we started on the drive back...we surprised Nehemiah by stopping at SeaWorld! We had lots of fun their-We rode a rollercoaster 4 times, Saw lots of animals, and enjoyed the sunny day. I acquired several (5) new smashed pennies! We rode the Turnpike back, and had a very good dinner of Donuts!! :) We arrived at around 9:00, and were very happy to see the family-and get into bed! -Posted By Joseph Cook
After the visit, we started on the drive back...we surprised Nehemiah by stopping at SeaWorld! We had lots of fun their-We rode a rollercoaster 4 times, Saw lots of animals, and enjoyed the sunny day. I acquired several (5) new smashed pennies! We rode the Turnpike back, and had a very good dinner of Donuts!! :) We arrived at around 9:00, and were very happy to see the family-and get into bed! -Posted By Joseph Cook
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