Joseph S. R. Cook designed the above logo. Here are his comments on it:
On the top center of the Logo the "FFF" stands for the sponsor of the game: Family Funded Filming. Below it, ACB stands for "Annual Cookie Bowl" the name of the game. "Frontyard Champs" is another way of saying ACB Champions. The year and city played in are located below that.
The photo above is of Joseph, Daniel and Nehemiah in action!
On Saturday the Front Yard Football Cookie Bowl Championship was held! This game determined the championship team for the year of 2008! The Tomohawks went up against the Gators in this unprecedented game. Unfortunately Tate and Jake Williams (Our neighbours) were unable to come play. However, Kameron Griffis was able to come and play, making it a very even line up. Mrs. Griffis came and got many good shots of the historical game.
The line up was as follows:
Team Captain: Daniel R. H. Cook
Team Member: Kameron Griffis
Team Member: Elijah Cook
Team Captain: Joseph S. R. Cook
Team Member: Nehemiah Cook
Team Member: Noah Cook
Game assistants:
Referee: Daniel J. Cook
Referee: Russel L. Cook
Photographer: Melinda Griffis
Refreshment Bringer: Anne Cook
Judy Cook
Elizabeth Cook
Anna Cook
The photo above is of the Tomohawks in a huddle.
The game lasted for one hour with a break at half-time for cookies and water. Many fantastic plays were executed. However, the top three are listed below.
Number Three:
Nehemiah catches a ball Joseph passed at a respectable distance after a two attempted to block it. Touchdown for the Gators!
Number Two:
Daniel grabs on to Nehemiah's flag and it refuses too come off. Nehemiah continues running in place as Daniel refuses to let go. The referees called it a fair play with Nehemiah being down.
Number One:
A combination of plays. Three touchdowns, two for the Tomohawks and one for the Gators, are completed within a one minute time period!
The game ended with the Tomohawks winning 51 to 48 and taking the title of 2008 Annual Cookie Bowl Champions.
A video of more photos should follow and possibly even videos of portions of the game.
-Daniel R. H. Cook
Tomohawks is spelled correctly as chosen by the team captain.