
Free Books (by Anne Cook)

Paperbackswap is a wonderful website for everyone! I use it constantly! You can earn "credits" for your books, and use those "credits" like money, to purchase other books from the website. Audio books, VHS tapes, storybooks, textbooks, devotional books, journals, and much more is available from Paperbackswap!
And, when you first join, you get Two free credits!!! All you have to pay in order to earn a free book is the shipping costs for one of the books someone requests from you. Paperbackswap is a valuable resource for homeschoolers, book collectors, and everyone who enjoys reading.

Join today with my referral by clicking the large button to the right, or selecting a link in this post.

Feel free to email me with any questions at: cook01.fl@comcast.net


Rainy Day

On Wedensday, we went out on the front porch to look at the rain. Anna and Ezra went out into it, in their raincoats. Ezras was a bit oversized, but he definetly enjoyed himself. We thank God for all the rain we've been getting these past few days--it is most certainly a blessing! -JosephC

Dessert Night for Mothers

The Alliance Men's Group, from our Church, Friendship Bible, planned a dessert night for Mothers, Sunday night, following the Evening service. The Dessert went well---Several mothers attended, and everyone, (including the Alliance Men and Alliance Kids) Got enough to eat.


Pictures of Abigail at the hospital and at home. Abigail is now over 1 week old, and doing fine!


Abigail Lillian Cook!

Our newest little sister, Abigail Lillian Cook, arrived today on May 5th, 2009 around 5pm! She weighs 8.6 lb! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Mother and baby are healthy and well.


Church Workday

Today was the Alliance Men's Church Workday. Papa, Daniel, Nehemiah, Noah, Elijah, and I attended. Several other men from church were there. We laid carpet, cleaned walls,etc. It was a lot of work--but it was worth it. Below is a succession of photos, showing the carpet being laid in the lobby. -Joseph