A few days ago, the temperature dropped below 20 degrees for a short while (at night) It was ideal weather for creating more icicles! I set out the sprinkler in the water garden at 9:00 and it ran all night. The next morning, the amount of ice/icicles was amazing! My personal favorite "ice-sculpture" was the pine needle that happened to be standing up, and got encased in ice!
The large bush near the front walk was filled to the core with large icicles, some of which were over 5 inches long. The amazing thing about them, is that it took two days before all of them melted off!
The basins in the water garden glazed over, but the water continued to run over the top of the ice. It was wonderful to be able to enjoy the cold weather, especially with ice!
Some friends of ours gave us stone to put around the water garden, and ice glazed all over that as well--some areas up to an inch thick.
May you have a blessed winter season this year!
-Written By Joseph [for the Cook Family] Jan 13, 2010.
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