
Daniel is Home

I am finally home after two weeks of Summit and two weeks of Civil Air Patrol's National Blue Beret. I want to thank everyone who prayed for me. God was very good to me this summer. If you would like the complete story I have it in an email. You can email me at inordertokeepit@gmail.com and I will send it to you. It is two thousand two hundred plus words.

- Daniel Cook


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw your comment on my blog-it is neat that the fellowship you had at Summit helped you weather a lack of fellowship (perhaps even opposition?) at CAP camp! It seems like that is a common occurrance: God helps us grow, then makes us use our learning, so that we will continue to grow, and use our learning... all for His glory and our edification!

    I'm sure you're glad to be home - I know I was, and I didn't have anything else afterward!

    I'm curious what "inordertokeepit" in your e-mail address is from: in order to keep what? :-)

  3. "inordertokeepit" started based on a Benjamin Franklin quote about keeping the Republic. I had a blog with political issues for a while. However, the blog was not used by enough people to make the time worth the product. So, now I am trying to focus on more effective ways of getting involved in politics.
