This year Nehemiah and Noah were blessed with the opportunity to join the Keystone Recreation Association's youth baseball team. The team did well, and closed the season with a .500 average . Nehemiah primarily played center field and left, but was able to pitch for a few innings. Noah played right-field, left-field and spent some time at shortstop. Both boys were selected to be lead-off batters in different games. Nehemiah's first base hit was an 2 RBI triple to right-field. Noah had several hard hits as well. Both were able make catches in the outfield.

Noah is shown (middle) on the home-field bench, while waiting for their turn to field. Since the team had more than 9 players, some spent time on the bench.

Nehemiah is shown above waiting outside the batting cages. Nehemiah's best catch came during an away game at Middleburg. Keystone was leading 7-6, and it was the bottom of the last inning. There were two outs, and a man on second. The Middleburg batter hit a deep fly to center field, and most everyone thought it would be a base hit. If the ball got past the fielder, both runs would likely score, and the game would be lost. Nehemiah (center fielder) saw the ball coming, and backed up as fast as he could. Leaping into the air, he managed to snag the ball for the last out! Needless to say, we were all proud of him, especially considering his catch won the game! It was the first game, and one of the best.
We were all able to enjoy Nehemiah and Noah's games, as we all made friends and learned much from the coaches. Baseball has been an exciting part of this year!
Note: A big thanks goes to Mr. and Mrs. G for providing the excellent pictures!
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